Celebrating 16 with this Sweet one | Birthday Portraits

Like many teens, this lovely one will be celebrating her 16th birthday quite differently than she originally planned. With a continued focus on “what we can do” - I decided to shake her out of her quarantine sweatpants and up into the prettiest of trees for Sweet 16 Birthday Portraits.

Just climb right up and precariously balance on that branch and I’ll be extending you extra bonus points if you can mask the fear from your eyes. Totally joking - my kids have been climbing (and falling out of this tree for years so I knew it was time for me to get some mileage out of their shenanigans.)

This is by far my favorite from the photo shoot - the neighbor boy was making her laugh from across the lawn (you can hear him in the behind the scenes video)

Sixteen has never been so sweet! And while I know this “dressing up to climb a tree” quarantine behavior might seem odd to others, I’m pretty sure this is just another average day for our neighbors passing by!

Would you be surprised to hear that all of my children eye-roll when I ask them to take pictures? Would you be shocked to hear that I legitimately do not care about their complaints? It’s the truth. Similar to your kids, once we get started - everyone is having fun - and later, the books & the prints bring so much joy. Just knowing that it will be awesome later makes it easy to be selectively deaf to their initial push back. Fun fact: the minute I bribed this one with social media content for her to post…game, set, match …Mom for the win ;-) If you’d like to schedule a Sweet 16 for your teen, click the button below!


Removing Braces Digitally for Senior Pictures | Studio B Portraits Issaquah


We love this Spring Inspired design tip for putting your portraits on display for the season!